Program highlights
How to get started
If you'd like your custom promo / discount code to be something like “steve”, when signing up, for the first name put “st” and for the last name put “eve”.
The way the system works is it combines your first and last name to issue you the promo codes.
eg: you'd like your promo code to be “Jessie” for first name put “jes” and last name put “sie”.
eg: if you want it to be “Hotpotato” for example, just put “hot” as the first name and “potato” as the last name. Capital letters don't matter.
This way when promoting Optifold, all you have to say in your videos for example is “Visit, use my custom discount code ‘Jessie’ and get 25% off your order"
The sales and your commissions are automatically tracked from both of the websites we sell on: and
If you need help please email our affiliate manager at: [email protected]
Please provide us with the following
information to get started.